Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What percentage of my donation goes to overhead?
A: 0%.  If you make a donation towards orphan sponsorship on the website, 100% of your donation will go to supporting the orphans expenses. Any donation made on the website is used only for the immediate needs of the orphans. Any other projects (construction, etc.) are on our crowdfunding pages and are clearly marked. The only overhead involved in that is the fees required by the crowdfunding website/associated payment fees. 
Q: How is it possible that none of our donation goes to overhead?
A: We solicit donations to cover our operation costs directly, rather than taking a percentage of a donation earmarked for orphans. We wanted to ensure that anyone who donates has full transparency and the peace of mind of knowing that all of their donation is going exactly to the purpose they have designated. That said, we always appreciate and encourage people to donate to support the structure of the organization as well. If you are interested in doing so, please contact us at to find out more ways to get involved.
Q: Are donations made to YECS zakat eligible?
A: Yes. We have a group of local (to Hyderabad) scholars involved from the very inception of the project.  Mufti Ahmed Obaidurrahman Athar (DEVNOTE: the highlighted name should link to his bio in the Al-Falah page) has issued a formal fatwa that the project is zakat eligible (DEVNOTE: Link to Fatwa)
Q: Is YECS a recognized charity by the government?

A: YECS is a registered charitable organization with the United States as well as the Indian government. It is classified by the Indian government as a privately operated Muslim orphanage. Government operated orphanages in India do not distinguish or provide special care for Muslim children. Their religious beliefs are not considered or encouraged.

Q: Are donations to YECS tax deductible?
A: Yes. YECS is a registered 501(c) non profit int he United States. Any Donation made to YECS is tax deductible and you will be given a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the fiscal year.